Chickey Delta Phi

Ep. 29 It Still Lives

Caiya M. & Colby K. Season 2 Episode 9

In this week’s episode, Caiya and Colby discuss the recent ban of TikTok, exploring the emotional rollercoaster it caused among users. They delve into the impact of TikTok on daily life, the alternatives available, and the controversies surrounding social media. The discussion also touches on conspiracy theories related to the ban and the cultural significance of TikTok in today’s society. As they navigate through various topics, the duo share personal anecdotes and humorous insights, making for an engaging and entertaining dialogue.

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CMoney (00:00)
Well, well, well, they finally took down TikTok. But only for 12 hours.

Colton (00:06)
And sadly, it's back.

CMoney (00:08)
You know, that was the longest, 12 of the 14 hours of my life, Keeber.

Colton (00:12)
What? Well, I'm on Reddit all the time. As you could tell, I'm a weirdo.

CMoney (00:14)
Look out. Go ahead.

Colton (00:20)
that reels, you know, not on Instagram, on Facebook specifically, which is from Instagram. And then YouTube. So I never, I don't really care about the whole TikTok thing.

CMoney (00:34)
I was scrolling at like, I think it was like 10, like, I'm on like 10.30, just scrolling. And I was like, I a package coming. So I'm gonna go check it. I went back to the app. It said, oops, TikTok is now banned in your area. said, there is no fucking way. It wasn't supposed to get banned until today, which is Sunday. Why did it get banned two hours early?

Colton (00:55)
It got banned at 10 o'clock?

CMoney (00:56)
It got banned at 10:30 Colby

Colton (00:58)
That sucks.

CMoney (00:59)
I was like,

so before that, was just sitting there like downloading videos, screen recording stuff. I was literally just going through it. I was like, it's going to be the longest. It's going to be the longest time that we have. 10 30 happens. I'm like, I was not prepared mentally for the shutdown this early. Cause I'm thinking like, you know, it's going to get shut down at 12 and I'm going to wake up in the morning, but okay. TikTok is gone. I was still awake.

And so when it went down, I went into Twitter and they were like, it's gone. Tik Tok Tik Tok, it's gone. And then they kept playing like the meme of hunger games. It was like Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok. And it was like withdrawals. But luckily I had a lot of videos saved and everything. But my last video that I saved like scream recorded at the time was Josh and mama. You ever heard of them before? So Josh and mama, like they're like Southern style.

Colton (01:46)
Yeah. No, I haven't. Over there.

CMoney (01:54)
mother and son duo. And his mother is known for making dishes that make no sense at all. And so what ended up happening was like, she was like, we got it. She's like, we got to make funeral potatoes. So she's known for putting like, right. Right. She's known for putting, she's known for putting random stuff together and just calling it a dish. goes, I've never made these before. Kobe with hash browns, like the, like the diced hash brown potatoes.

Colton (01:57)

and get to the...

funeral potatoes? Huh?


CMoney (02:24)
And then it was a shit ton of sour cream, cheese, and corn flakes.

Colton (02:33)
why the cornflakes?

CMoney (02:34)

not frosted flakes, corn flakes.

Colton (02:38)
If you didn't add the cornflakes, it would be okay.

CMoney (02:41)
So she makes the dish and she puts the cornflakes on top. as she's doing it, she's like, Josh, TikToks won't be gone. What are we gonna do? It's gonna be gone. And she's putting the cornflakes on. He was like, mama, did you wash your hands? She said.

kept smearing it around and The thing is the crazy thing about her. She eats the dish every single time It doesn't matter how disgusting one time she made like hand was like ham bananas and mayo mixed together and She ate it. She's like just the best thing I ever had no seasoning. No nothing So she takes her potatoes out. She tries it. She goes, you know them cornflakes give it the right crunch And so

Colton (03:04)
is whether you


CMoney (03:25)
Her son was like, he said, you know what, let me try some. So he takes his fork and it's like a little baby fork. And he was like, mama, put some cornflake on there. And she's trying to get it onto the fork, but it keeps missing. And so he was like, he said, you're right, mama, them cornflakes do get a little crunch. But it was like, they always made, like she always made the cradies concoctions, even for Thanksgiving. They didn't have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. She bought a canned ham.

Colton (03:50)

CMoney (03:52)
she bought

a canned ham and then put like diced pineapples on it.

Colton (03:55)
You might as well just use lunch with me, bro.

CMoney (03:58)
But that was the last video that I recorded. It was like five minutes and I was like, it's gonna be okay. TikTok goes down at 10.35. I said, uh-uh. I called my mom just crying. said, what's wrong? said, TikTok is gone. I wasn't done scrolling. I'm gonna go check my package. And she was like, and you're calling me for what? I said, TikTok is down.

I have a package that I purchased on the TikTok shop. It is down.

Colton (04:30)
yeah, that is actually a problem.

CMoney (04:32)
It was

a problem, but I did get an email saying like, like even though the ban is in effect, you can still track your package, but you couldn't track your package because they had turned off all the servers at the time. So I had to keep going back and forth with my package tracking number and going from there. And I was like, I just hope I get my package. That's all I want. I don't care about anything else. I just want the package. And I didn't tell anybody this package, but you, but I bought a pack of one piece cards.

Colton (04:42)


CMoney (05:02)
I've been scouring for them for months. There's a new drop coming out in March, but I finally managed to get not just one pack, but two packs of the One Piece OP1s. I think it was OP1s. It was like a live, kind of like, like a live rip. So whoever I bought them from, opened up the packs for me. But I did get two cards that have some value to them. And those are, like they're in a sleeve and then like a hard, like a hard cover as well.

Colton (05:13)
Have you opened it?



CMoney (05:33)
So I'm good. I'm doing doing okay. I'm just waiting for it to come in but Just a little gamble Well when I say like though like that last 12 to 14 hours before it came back I was going on I was going on Twitter to Instagram back to Twitter to YouTube back back to Twitter Instagram Watching videos that I just downloaded back to Twitter and I was bored the entire time

Colton (05:37)
Just gambling.

CMoney (06:00)
I said, what am I going to do? Read a book? So go back to that phone call with my mom. She was like, TikTok is down. Go play Sims. I don't want to go play Sims. I don't want to play Sims because they probably they have TikTok. I don't want. This is a joy.

Colton (06:15)
There's no joy in life without TikTok.

CMoney (06:18)
Like it is so weird. we've had, like I didn't get a TikTok account until like late 2019, but from 2019 to now I've only used TikTok. I used Instagram occasionally, but you know, they don't really know what they're doing at the time, but TikTok was like, I wasn't addicted to it. It was just like, it was just part of everyday life. When I got up in the mornings, I probably watched like maybe two to 10 TikToks before I went to work.

But when I got off work, I'm just sitting there just watching TikToks the whole time. I would literally just scroll, look for like recipes or just like something funny. And then I get creeped out because there's like a scary TikTok. And then I put it down and that I don't do it. I don't look at it anymore.

Colton (06:51)

Scary Tik-tock

CMoney (07:04)
Yeah, my my one of my last TikToks that I saw yesterday was it was like this lady. No, it was either a lady or a guy. They were outside and you could see somebody. It was like a figure in the distance and it looked like they were riding a horse. So they were going up and down and they were just trotting like around like around the yard. And they were like, it's called like it's called something like like when the dead like they replay like their fate, like their favorite memory that made them happy.

And they're just reliving that moment every single time. So I got to see a ghost for one of my last scary TikToks.

Colton (07:40)

I am not on that For You page. I am far from it.

CMoney (07:45)
I built my for you page. Brick. by Brick.

Colton (07:49)
No, mine was brain cell by brain cell.

CMoney (07:54)
Well, you didn't really use TikTok.

Colton (07:56)
No, but everything else I use is similar content.

CMoney (08:00)
It's something about that TikTok algorithm though. Like you can't get that anywhere else.

Colton (08:06)
Look, every third scroll was an ass.

CMoney (08:09)
I can't relate mine. I think mine was like every two. It was like a TikTok shop ad or somebody going live and selling something.

Colton (08:15)
Yeah, the whole sponsor thing.

CMoney (08:17)
We don't talk about that. They didn't take that out.

Colton (08:19)

but then everybody switched to red note.

CMoney (08:24)
Speaking of Red Note, I have a Red Note account.

Colton (08:28)
How is it? I've heard good things.

CMoney (08:31)
So when I first logged into it, I think it was like early this week, I logged into it and the very first video that I ever saw, it was like, hey, American refugees, welcome, get ready to learn Chinese. I still have yet to learn Chinese. I started doing Dio Lingo just so I can be prepared to go through the app. I didn't make it past date two. It was, it was pretty hard.

Colton (08:57)
You're basing off of English. Going from that to that is incredibly hard.

CMoney (09:03)
Cause like when I

got onto it, they didn't have like, couldn't really translate yet. So it's like, you had to learn, you had to learn Mandarin. And it wasn't like, it's not a bad app. Like there are like some issues with it, but that's like user error. But it's a Chinese app that a lot of us downloaded without even knowing what it was. Even the terms and conditions of you obviously was in Chinese, so we couldn't understand it. But a lot of us did like.

I am part of that us category, a lot of us did download it as a, like a second, like a second home for TikTok.

But no one was expecting the ban to actually go through until it actually happened last night.

Colton (09:45)
I was a little surprised that it actually went through.

CMoney (09:48)
Yeah, because they were like, yeah, it's gonna get, like they went talking about it for five years that it was gonna get banned. And they finally did it. Our government finally got together and agreed on one thing. And that was something that wasn't hurting anybody.

Colton (10:03)
No. What happened was they hid the TikTok ban inside of a bill for, uh, what is it? Humanitarian rights thing? Basically a bill that would be beneficial to everybody on the world. But they hid it inside that so that, well, obviously you want to pass the bill that wants to help people.

then it's also going to pass the TikTok ban.

CMoney (10:35)
Do you know how much money TikTok made within five years?

Colton (10:39)
Not at all.

CMoney (10:41)
$20 billion. dollars

Colton (10:43)
That makes sense.

CMoney (10:44)
where we are 30 trillion in debt. And that 20 billion was making a difference. Because not only was it helping businesses make money, it was helping influencers create income. So when the ban was being implemented, people were, they were afraid because they were like, I don't know how I'm going to get a job. Because they built their life around TikTok and they were getting all those sponsorships and they were like, I am screwed because the job market sucks.

Colton (11:09)
That is funny though.

with how that occurs. All of a sudden internet presence disappears and then what are you left with?

CMoney (11:20)
I saw something on Twitter and somebody like they were, they've been a TikTok influencer for like a content creator for a long time. They never spent a single dollar. And as TikTok was getting ready, like nobody knew the ban was coming. Like it was coming like that early. They had put in their bank information. The ban, like the ban went through and they couldn't access that money.

Colton (11:44)
What do mean?

CMoney (11:45)
So like they were making money and everything through TikTok, but they never like they never touched that money that they earned. So.

Colton (11:52)

all that money got locked.

CMoney (11:54)

So, it got blocked for, it got blocked for quite a while though.

CMoney (12:00)
And we are back after a brief break.

Colton (12:04)
Yeah, intermission, somebody needed a measuring tape.

CMoney (12:07)
That's crazy.

what do you think could replace TikTok?

Colton (12:13)
quite literally anything.

CMoney (12:15)
I don't think I can agree on you with that.

Colton (12:18)
See, while you are one of the TikTokers, I'm not. So I have the outside perspective of everybody else in the world that doesn't do TikTok that often. We are thankful that TikTok is back, for one.

because none of us wanted the TikTokers in our platforms.

CMoney (12:37)
They weren't gonna make it to Reddit, don't even worry about it.

Colton (12:40)
sure that Reddit and 4chan is the last place they'll go but Instagram and Facebook and Twitter well honestly they can have Twitter I don't really care

CMoney (12:50)
I'm not gonna lie.

Facebook? Nobody's going to Facebook.

Because when you think about it, Facebook has recite like, okay, you already have your crack heads of Facebook. So that's its own little category, own little bubble.

Colton (12:55)
You'd be surprised.

It is quite entertaining though.

CMoney (13:04)
You got my baby daddy didn't do this. Do that for me. Cool. You got that over there in Facebook. Keep it at Facebook. Now Instagram reels. I will say that one. It tried so hard to replace TikTok in so many ways, but it couldn't do it. Like the algorithm of it. Well, not even algorithm. Say if you have like, like you DM somebody a whole bunch of like videos instead of you swiping up and it being like the next video, the next video they sent you, it was a completely different video.

Colton (13:10)


CMoney (13:34)
So it didn't really make sense. Yeah, as in like TikTok, you could like, I would say like, would get somebody would send me like 20 TikToks in a day and I could just scroll and I could see like the next ones that they sent me in that order. But Instagram, had like, I could watch the video then I had to swipe out, find the next one, finish that, swipe out. And I had to keep doing that for each and every single video. That defeats the purpose of just scrolling like TikTok. And...

Instagram like definitely I don't I've tried like I try to watch Instagram rules I could not do it because I would go to the comment section every single time and It was some 40 year old man just getting pissed off about something

Like even like for like, I have like a good example, like what happened to us. Like when I had posted our reel, like I posted one of our reels on Instagram. Why the fuck was it just all old men just talking shit the whole time?

Colton (14:29)
don't know why you have that problem.

CMoney (14:31)
It's just a common thing in general. So like on our Instagram, we don't have old men following us. It reached almost 2000 profiles and everything, but the main commenters were old ass men. Like when I say old, I'm saying like late 30s pushing 50.

And it was like, you're a grown ass bully for what? You're trying to gain... You're trying to gain what exactly?

Colton (15:01)
Hey man, maybe we should make a platform for them.

CMoney (15:05)
They do have one.

Colton (15:07)

CMoney (15:08)
No, not even Facebook. It's that one that, uh, the Republicans... Yeah, one of those. Yeah, but it's not that one. Like, I remember, like, everyone from, like, the Republican side. I'm not trying to get political, but people from the Republican side, they made their own app, their own social media app. Just go to the... Yeah, they did. And it's like, it's like, it's it's like, it's whatever their movement is called. It's just them. Probably.

Colton (15:13) Yeah, you're right.

Wait, actually.

make America great again?

CMoney (15:38)

it's just them. Go back to that app.

Colton (15:41)
That's good, I'm glad that they have their own app.

CMoney (15:44)
They're not glad that they have their own app because they keep coming to Instagram harassing people. what reason? But the thing is like, they think they're funny with their comments, but it's not funny. Like it's not funny at all. Like if you look at a TikTok comment section, not like, they're going to clown you, but not to the point where like, now you're like, they're targeting your insecurities or they're making fun of you because you look different. Or you have like a really bad like...

Colton (15:50)
I mean, that's what 4chan does.

CMoney (16:13)
You just talk like you have like a thick ass accent or something. They attack you like they attack other people to make themselves feel better.

Colton (16:22)
Okay, but some of those comments are pretty funny.

CMoney (16:26)
I mean some aren't funny but it's like when you have like when you have somebody's uncle just talking shit on you Shouldn't you go watching your kids or something or throwing some meat on meat on the grill? What are you doing? You're 45

Colton (16:35)
Nah, if he's in...

CMoney (16:37)
Go get a job. Yo, unk, get off the couch. And I think it's like when they, I think they only talk shit when they got home and they've already cracked open like a whole 12 pack and drank it after 30 minutes.

Colton (16:37)
an uncle doesn't have a job.

So what if we put them all into a cod lobby?

I think they would enjoy that.

CMoney (16:54)
I'm not gonna lie, some words will be said.

Colton (16:57)
I'm talking about old cod lobbies, you know, the ones that you don't get banned from yet. And they can have their fun over there.

CMoney (17:00)
Some words will be, some words will be said.

You know, speaking of old men, you know what somebody told me one day at work? They said, you know, you're really good at what you do. I don't care what, what they say about you people. was like, me people? What, what does that mean? I was like,

Colton (17:20)
That's insane.

CMoney (17:22)
I said, And I was like, I was dumbfounded. Cause like, what do you mean by my people? He said, I don't care what them people say about yous. What does that mean, sir?

Also, I met a crackhead the other day. I'm getting off topic, but I met a crackhead the other day. He came in. Well, from the story that I was told, was by the door and he had $20 in his hand. He goes, I got $20. What can I get? It may not mean much to you, but it means the whole world to me. And they told them that they couldn't take it to order. had to come inside. Me being me.

Colton (17:37)

CMoney (17:59)
I get the crackhead. And so I said, Hey, can I get a name? And they were like, you own, you're the head captain of the cheerleading squad and that wide back fella that's the halfback. I was like, what does that mean? I was like, there's no way this man must, he has to be on something. like, there's no way. So he's, so he's just cutting up, acting a fool. And I'm just trying to get the order. then Charlie.

Colton (18:13)

He is seeing sounds right now.

CMoney (18:27)
Bless his heart. The guard looks at him. goes, your hair, your hair is pretty long and funny. Just like one of my buddies from back in the day. But he listened to, he loved the Beatles and he always played the drums. Charlie goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't play the drums, but I play the trumpet. Charlie shut up.

Colton (18:49)
Dude, don't mess with my boy Charlie.

CMoney (18:52)
I was like,

don't entertain this man. And as I'm about to go make this guy's drink, Charlie goes, I can make it. Charlie walk, walk away from me. Get away from me. I said, you're entertaining the ops. Get away from me. So I make the drink and start Charlie still talking to this man. I'll be stopped talking to him. Leave him alone. Like I will say, Charlie's going to be the reason why we have like a crackhead takeover one day.

Colton (19:16)
I mean, I did know somebody who was fried off their brain that would always come in to work. Not a worker or a customer.

CMoney (19:26)
I mean, I hope not a worker.

Colton (19:28)
Yeah But he'd always be like hey, how you doing today? I'll be like you know I'm working you know same old same old

CMoney (19:32)

Speaking of customers, know we gotta get back on topic. Speaking of customers, did you hear about that one video going around of this guy gooning in a drive-thru?

Colton (19:48)

CMoney (19:49)
So I don't, I'm older, but I don't, I still don't know what gooning means, but they said he was part of the goon squad. So he, so this guy comes to this restaurant and like, they're not like the workers are known for dressing in like bathing suits and stuff. So like they're half naked, but it's not like, it's not like Hooters or anything. It's different from Hooters. So he comes to the drive-through and I guess like he's been going there for a minute. So.

Colton (19:56)
Don't worry about them.



CMoney (20:17)
One of the workers had her phone out and she's recording the guy. She walks up to his car and she goes, have you been here before? He's like, yeah. Homeboy has his pants down.

Colton (20:27)

CMoney (20:29)
hands down, just sitting there. And he finally realized that she was recording. He gets like, he gets so afraid, he speeds off. And she was like, don't come back here, like just, you know, threatening him and everything. Not even 24 hours later, he kills himself.

Colton (20:46)

CMoney (20:47)
He, he, he does, he, takes himself out because he got caught and blasted all over the internet.

Colton (20:55)
Yo, you gotta tell me this restaurant.

CMoney (20:58)
I don't

even know, like, I think this was in California, like, I don't even know where this was exactly. I just know he got caught with his pants down in the drive-through and they were, like, that restaurant is known, like, that drive-through is known for having people do that and they call them out for it every single time. Cause you can't, like, you can't expose yourself in public like that. Even if you're in the comfort of your own vehicle, you cannot do that.

Colton (21:16)


CMoney (21:20)
So he does that literally drives off and offs himself. But the kicker is his mom found out and she got pissed. This man is like 20 something, maybe 30, like when this happened. his mom is like, oh, the lady should not have recorded him. She shouldn't have done that because you don't know what people are going through. My son was a great guy and everybody in the comments was like, but your son is a goon. He's gooning. Your son is a goon.

Colton (21:30)
That is dead, son.

No, that's...


that tells you everything that you need to know about... gooners. And that's all you need to know about them.

CMoney (21:57)
The crazy thing is, the mom tried to vouch for her son, knowing that her son was disgusting. And you know what else is crazy? He had a wife and kid. He had a whole kid and a wife.

Colton (22:02)

Now, I respect the mother for trying to stick up for somebody, for, well, for her son. No-

CMoney (22:12)
She was sticking up for her son. She didn't, she blamed,

she blamed the worker for her son taking himself out.

Colton (22:20)
That I don't respect,

but I respect the sticking up for her family. Like, obviously cared about this person. I didn't say her way of sticking up was bad.

CMoney (22:26)
No, Kobe that's okay. Uh-uh, uh-uh, no, that

Kobe that is like saying, yeah. My like, my, like my kids, he's part of the EDP, the EDP crew. I'm going to stick up for him. He, yeah, he's part of EDP. I'm no, I wouldn't watch a lot of those, but that's like sticking up for someone that enjoys EDP.

Colton (22:48)
I come here, I came out here to buy cupcakes.

CMoney (22:51)
You want a cupcake?

Colton (22:53)
Ugh, that fucking guy.

CMoney (22:55)
I literally just watched

one, like I just watched one today where the guy had, what happened? So he comes out to a, he goes to somebody's house and it's him and his buddy. His buddy doesn't know why they're there. He just, he just knows, my friend doesn't want to come alone. No, they were under age.

Colton (23:14)

CMoney (23:15)
And his friend was like, he's like, what the fuck? What the fuck? He said, I got a two month old. I got a two month old. What is your problem? Calls him out on it. The friend literally, like they were trying to arrest him and everything. Homeboy jumps the fence and takes our money. And now he had a whole search for him. But like I said, you're going to take up for him. If that was your cousin, you're like, oh yeah, my cousin.

Colton (23:36)

CMoney (23:41)
You know, he's ill in the head and everything, but you know, he loves to get a cupcake. No.

Colton (23:47)
Maybe it's just best to just say nothing.

CMoney (23:49)
If you enjoy EDPs, you deserve jail. If you were like that man that was gooning in that drive-thru, you deserve jail.

Colton (23:56)
Hmm? Yeah.

CMoney (23:57)
Make it

make sense.

Colton (23:58)
I had to pick a guy off the floor in the bathroom the other day.

CMoney (24:05)

Colton (24:06)
Yeah, some old man fell over and I just happened to be the guy that walked in so I

He's okay. He walked it off.

CMoney (24:17)
As he should. As he should. You know what else? I love social media so much. This is another story. this, this happened the other day. These, these two people walk in, like these two women, they walk into a restaurant, right? The first one walks in, you know, they're a little bit more on the heavier sets, like my 600 pound life kind of ordeal So.

Colton (24:20)


a little bit more than a little bit.

CMoney (24:44)
So they walk in. The first one comes in. Her pants are just busted open. Like pants are busted open about to fall like fall down to her ankles but she doesn't have any shoes or socks on. She's just walking into this restaurant barefoot.

Colton (25:01)

CMoney (25:02)
And there's something wet on her feet and nobody knows what it is. So she takes off running to the restroom. Just imagine like, you know, somebody with their pants about to be down to the ankles running to the restroom. So they go to the, so that person goes to the restroom. Not even two minutes later, somebody else comes out in the same predicament. A little bit over 600 pounds. Pants are busted. No socks, no shoes on. Something wet on their feet. They go to the restroom.

Colton (25:14)

CMoney (25:29)
and people were trying to figure out, you know, what's going on? And somebody goes, I think they were doing some adult activities. Hold on, hold on. then one person goes, how does that work? Another responded, they probably just suck it on fat.

Colton (25:39)
No, no, no.

need that ear there.

CMoney (25:54)
It's... People do crazy things in public without realizing people were watching. And we'll probably talk about you after.

Colton (25:55)

I don't need to know. You ever wonder if you were that person? Not to that extreme, hopefully. But like...

You ever think you're the talk of the dinner table?

CMoney (26:15)

When I go out in public with certain people, absolutely. Absolutely. I will.

Colton (26:20)

wonder how their dinner is going and they're just talking about us.

CMoney (26:23)
Wait, let me tell you about this

crooked-eyed bastard that came in today. You know, some people... I probably end the talk with the dinner table. Sometimes. They're probably like, you know, she wouldn't stop talking. I'm just trying to get myself something to drink. And they're just yapping the whole time. It took me 10 minutes to get a drink. And I got there.

Colton (26:35)
I hope I am.

They're just yappin'.

CMoney (26:48)
at four o'clock. I'm home at 430. That's because they were yapping. I mean, there's nothing else to do. What do want me to do? Just stay in there and just be bored the whole time? No.

Colton (26:52)
You would be yappin'.


CMoney (27:02)
I don't get paid to be bored, I'm sorry. I create, create, I create moments.

Colton (27:04)
I get paid to be bored and I actually enjoy it.

I create moments in my head.

CMoney (27:09)
You can't say that.

Exactly. You suck.

Colton (27:14)
You swallow.

CMoney (27:16)
That is disgusting, My Mom listens to this podcast.

Colton (27:19)
And wha? And that's not worse than what you just said?

They were doing some adult activity.

CMoney (27:27)

we were not. No siree

Colton (27:31)
and they went scary and into the bathroom.

CMoney (27:33)
You know who.

I hate, I love TikTok, but I hate TikTok at the same time. Just because like you can see the craziest stuff all the time.

all the time. Like the guy, Goonie and everything. I think that was over TikTok, but I saw that on Twitter first.

They kind of just go intertwined because like Twitter has like no filters, mainly people on the other side that's clearly, don't care.

Colton (27:56)
the other side.

CMoney (27:58)
Well, I'm not trying to be political and call out those said people because they're gonna start attacking us and try to fucking dox me or something. Please don't dox me, like I appreciate you. I don't think I should be doxed. I only have 25 cents to my name.

Colton (28:07)
I think you should be doxxed. I think you should.

Alright everybody, listen up. She has stairs in her house.

CMoney (28:16)
Shut up.

Okay, Kobe, they're gonna... You remember that video? Someone was like, my God, they took my stairs. And the front porch was gone.

Colton (28:26)
No I didn't! What?

CMoney (28:30)
No, it was a picture. were like, y'all, they don't came and bought me and took my stairs. That's racist. How did you know that was a chore?

Colton (28:35)
can't have anything in Detroit.

Don't shoot the messenger. I just know.

CMoney (28:43)
How do you know that was a troll?

Colton (28:45)
It's always Detroit, come on.

CMoney (28:47)
It's either that or Ohio.

Colton (28:49)

CMoney (28:51)
You know what, let's go over the benefits of TikTok.

Colton (28:55)
yeah, TikTok. I forgot about that.

CMoney (28:56)
I will say,

when we lost the app for that short, for that amount of time, people were, people earned the title of Platinum Crash Out.

Colton (29:08)

CMoney (29:09)
Like I'm known for giving out Crash Out Awards and everybody got the platinum Crash Out.

Colton (29:14)
Keeping you.

CMoney (29:14)

I cried. So yes, I got platinum crash out. I'm certified double platinum crash out, but that's only Monday through Sunday.

Colton (29:18)
Ain't no way!

don't have much of an online presence, so...

CMoney (29:26)
You must like a good book.

Colton (29:29)
No, I hate books, ew. Don't ever discriminate against me.

CMoney (29:31)
Hold on.

Speaking of books, somebody was like, they said, I want to somebody tell me to go read a good book after like after TikTok is gone. How can I go read a good book if I don't know what books to look at on TikTok? They said I need TikTok to find a book.

Colton (29:49)
Go to a bookstore.

CMoney (29:51)
And I was like, there's just no way.

We have platinum crash outs and I will say as a nation as a whole, TikTok has us wrapped around its little finger. Cause that whole like that total 14 hours was ridiculous.

Colton (30:04)
No? Alright, see look, here's the thing. I have Reddit for information on random topics that I don't really need. I have Facebook for information on new shows and animes to watch. Instagram I don't even use. YouTube is whenever I get bored of everything else and I just wanna do that.

CMoney (30:30)
Shame. Such a shame.

Colton (30:32)
I don't... I got a balance. I got my healthy balance in life. I got my hobbies.

CMoney (30:33)

You know, I will say, you may have your hobbies, but as a nation, we all came together to mourn TikTok. We gathered together as one, whether you were short, tall, black or white, we all said, what are we going to do? How are we going to get our mourning fixed? And somebody woke up this morning and posted on Twitter. said it was like a GIF of them. It was like a GIF of I think Katy Perry.

And her hair was like all messed up. it was like me when I didn't get my morning, me when I had my morning coffee, but not my TikTok. And then another comment was like, another tweet said, this is what, this is how crackheads feel when they don't get their figs. This is what, this is what going cold turkey feels like.

Colton (31:18)

You know what?

CMoney (31:22)
It was rough, Kobe.

Colton (31:24)
Everybody was unified and I'm glad that everybody was unified against a single target. That's really heartwarming to hear.

CMoney (31:32)
I used a good chunk of my storage to save videos.

Colton (31:36)
That's crazy.

CMoney (31:38)
I needed to

get that scrolling motion. So I screen recorded a lot of stuff so can get that scrolling motion. The craziest thing about scrolling, somebody said on Twitter, they said $10 per scroll. And somebody cashed out them 30 bucks as a scroll for like 10 minutes.

Colton (31:45)

CMoney (31:57)
It was bad. People were profiting off of the scrolls. then JoJo Siwa was calm.

Colton (31:57)
That is crazy.

There's none.

CMoney (32:05)
She was calm. She was not crashing out. She said, how do you all feel about me now? Y'all can get mad at me. She was like, you know what? Like she was literally calm after the ban.

Colton (32:14)
You know what? Fair.

You give her that one, you know?

CMoney (32:22)
I mean, she's never calm, but JoJo, we see you and we love you. I will let you know that.

Colton (32:26)
That's a win

right there.

CMoney (32:27)
But there is a theory that, well, not even a theory. You know the conspiracy about the whole TikTok ban as a whole.

Colton (32:35)
No, I don't think I've heard the conspiracy about it.

CMoney (32:38)

it's kind of a theory. were like, the ban, like the ban was happening, but Trump was going to do something about it. He was going to like, that's why Biden was like, I'm not going to deal with it. I'm going you know, pass it over to Trump and he can figure it out. So what ended up happening was, the whole script was that Trump was going to be the hero of saving TikTok.

Colton (32:46)
Yeah, yeah.

CMoney (33:00)
Even though, like, even though he was the one that pushed for the ban five years ago, you created the ban, you wanted the ban. Now you're deemed as the savior to draw attention from like, from the youth a little bit. So it's like, yeah, you got like, you have like the younger generation, like, my God, I love him. I love him. I appreciate him for bringing back TikTok. It was all a ploy just to get him.

more, like just get him more liked by people.

Colton (33:31)
Yeah, it's a of chicken.

CMoney (33:34)
And then the crazy thing is the TikTok CEO doesn't have CEO in his bio anymore.

Colton (33:35)

CMoney (33:42)
So they're speculating that he sold it. Because that's only way. And then when the app went down, they sent out messages about it going down prior the ban during. So before the ban, said, sorry, TikTok isn't available right now. not that one. Hmm. I got it.

Colton (34:04)
I do

remember one of them did say President Trump is working on a fix.

CMoney (34:10)
So I'm going to read you all three because I have a screenshot of them. the first one, this was at like 10 o'clock yesterday. It said important update from TikTok. We regret that a US law banning TikTok would take effect on January 19th and force us to make our services temporarily unavailable. We're working to restore our service in the US. Damn, I cannot read. We're working to restore our service in the US as soon as possible and we appreciate your support. That was at 10 o'clock. And then 10.35.

Colton (34:25)

CMoney (34:41)
Sorry, TikTok isn't available right now. A law banning TikTok has been enacted in the US. Unfortunately, that means you can't use TikTok for now. We are fortunate that President Trump has indicated that he will work with us on a solution to reinstate TikTok once he takes office. That was at 10 o'clock.

Colton (34:53)

CMoney (34:57)
Today at 2 p.m. Welcome back. Thanks for your patience and support. As a result of President Trump's efforts, TikTok is back in the U.S. You can continue to create, share, and discover all the things you love on TikTok.

What happened? He sold it. Shu sold the business. He folded. He sold it.

Colton (35:17)
Probably. It's a good business right there.

CMoney (35:20)
I mean it is, but he was never planning to sell in the first place.

was never planning. And so everyone like what made it even more funny, they were talking about Kai's and that they were like, like, I was like, he said, he said, I'm about to talk to the CEO of TikTok right now. Give me a minute. And TikTok got shut down after he started talking. And somebody was like, what the fuck did you do? What did you say to him? You got to take it away two hours early.

Colton (35:49)

CMoney (35:50)
And then Caseoh jumped on it. Caseoh was like, don't worry guys. I got it. I'm gonna save us. And then a couple hours later, Caseoh said, I tried guys. I really did. And it was like a diagram of Caseoh just standing there and everybody was going around him. And they were like, oh yeah, you definitely tried Caseoh. But Caseoh, that one had me dying. Cause they were like, what did you say to him? To not only get it banned faster.

Colton (35:56)
Not Caseoh, bro.



CMoney (36:17)
Like, it was, was, it was bad. And then there was a thing going around about ghost, ghost scrolling. You know what that is, right?

Colton (36:27)
No, I haven't heard that term. I've heard doomscrolling,

CMoney (36:29)

it's like the same thing, but it's like, you're just like, you're thinking like you're scrolling. you just like, just moving the whole time.

Colton (36:37)
kind of like a phantom vibrations.

CMoney (36:42)
Phantom scroll and go scroll. Yeah. Phantom vibration. Yeah. But people were literally doing that. And then as soon as TikTok, it was coming back slowly but surely. Tell me why I opened up TikTok. This is before I knew that it was coming back. I opened it up. The first video that I saw was a Ash fucking Trevino video.

Colton (36:46)
I do not know what that is.

CMoney (37:05)
Now you don't, you, nobody knows. Nobody should know who this lady is. Now, Ash Trevino is like a 30 something year old woman. I think she lives in Texas. So she's 30 something years old. She was dating a 19 year old named Santo. Now her and Santo, they were going back and forth and like they would have like TikTok battles or whatever. And like, keep in mind, Ash is a mother. I think she's like a mother of two or three.

Colton (37:22)

CMoney (37:34)
or whatever, but she's been accused of child neglect and a whole bunch of other stuff. she went live one day and her kid was like, I'm hungry. And she was like, I don't care. Me and Tantor are going out to dinner.

Colton (37:38)

CMoney (37:45)
Okay, just you're not gonna bring them any food back. Cool. And then another one of like one of her daughters was complaining to her online. She was like, you do stuff. You do things out of spite. You act like you're a teenager, but you're 30 something years old with kids and responsibility.

Colton (37:48)
That's insane.

CMoney (38:00)
It was like it's bad like if If you ever want to look it up you can because it's a whole rabbit hole of like videos and just information Because like she's like an unfit mud unfit mother messing with a 19 year old and the thing is like they're just doing it for for content and everything and Like there was a video she was like I think one of the viral songs that went around She was like, I've seen it. She's like, I've seen his peepee. He sees what he's seen my new new and Everybody's like what the fuck?

Colton (38:18)

CMoney (38:29)
It was so bad. then they like, they did meet a few times in person and there was like one time, I guess like they had did the deed and she was trying to like act like she was super tired or whatever. And he literally turned to her, smote her breath and turned away immediately.

And I'm like, you're, I'm like, some people do not deserve to be, she's not even famous. Some people just don't deserve the attention.

Colton (38:53)
like Nikocado, Avocado, whatever his name was. That's crazy. That man spilled different somehow. I don't even know what happened.

CMoney (38:54)

scammer, certified scammer.

He like, two

steps ahead. I'm always two steps ahead. I'm not going to talk about it. No, every single time he would throw his fucking noodle, like every time he did like the noodles and everything, he would start crying and just start shaking the whole time. But remember, I'm always two steps ahead.

Colton (39:14)
How does it keep getting away with it?


I mean, he played every one of us. You gotta give him credit for that.

CMoney (39:36)

don't care if you played the fucking fiddle. Who did you really play?

Colton (39:41)
The devil went down to Georgia.

CMoney (39:43)
I don't understand. But I am glad- well go ahead.

Colton (39:52)
It's a different topic.

CMoney (39:54)
Go ahead, you can be a doozy. Go ahead, let's go for it.

Colton (39:58)
So do you watch any anime?

CMoney (40:00)
I only watch One Piece.

Colton (40:02)
Only one piece. Not bad. I commend you for your effort to stick with 1,500 episodes, because that's insane for me.

CMoney (40:03)
I only watch One Piece.

I'm on Fishman Island right now, but I gotta go back for it because I didn't really watch him.

Colton (40:17)

CMoney (40:18)
I'm almost there though. It's not that bad.

Colton (40:20)
That sounds painful.

Okay, but Solo Leveling Season 2 is out. I think they're on their, what, third episode now? Just released. Unfortunately though, we're not gonna get another episode for a little bit. Because the director got hit by a car. Yeah, he really just got Isekai'd into a new universe. And now we are not getting Solo Leveling for a little bit.

CMoney (40:39)
What the fuck?

Colton (40:51)
But thankfully we have Shangri-La frontiers to enjoy while we wait.

CMoney (40:56)
I love how you're talking about shows,

but I've never seen a single- I've never seen any other anime but One Piece.

Colton (41:02)
This is how I feel when you talk about TikTok.

CMoney (41:06)
It's not the same, it's like having Snapchat.

Colton (41:09)
What do mean it's not the same?

CMoney (41:11)
That's like if you only use Snapchat. And you don't use anything else, just Snapchat. It's the same thing.

Colton (41:14)


are you saying, that I'm the guy who uses Snapchat?

CMoney (41:20)
Just strictly snapchat nothing else Like you're like you're like i got a i got a 1635 day streak going on

Colton (41:29)
Yeah, but that's gross.

CMoney (41:31)
I got so many stories I don't you to see them again. Look at my story. You post waking up, going to get lunch, going to work, eating dinner, going on break, going to the bathroom.

Colton (41:42)
No, I'm not an e-girl.

Calm down. Because that's all that's on Snapchat. That's all Snapchat will ever be.

CMoney (41:51)
I only use Snapchat for my streaks when I wanna shit talk and just for my memories, that's it. I will say, I will commend Snapchat for their use of memories, because a lot of those videos and photos that I have, I don't have them in my actual phone.

Colton (41:57)

You could do Google Photos.

CMoney (42:11)
I mean, after a while you have a limit on your storage.

Colton (42:14)
It's a lot of storage though.

CMoney (42:16)
Yeah, and I filled it up within like, I had one back in, I'm trying to think, all the way back to like middle school, I think. And it filled up completely my senior year of high school.

Colton (42:28)

CMoney (42:28)
And so I had to delete a whole bunch of stuff, but the thing is every single photo that I had, was all assignments that I took. It was pictures of PowerPoint.

Colton (42:37)
yeah. I did that. I had to go through and delete all those.

CMoney (42:42)
You said you already did that or you need to?

Colton (42:44)
And no, I already did.

CMoney (42:46)
It was very satisfying, wasn't it? You know what, let's play a game. Let's play a game. How many emails? Like, what is like your email list? How many do you have?

Colton (42:48)
Yeah, I don't need this anymore. This anymore.

unread? I got you. 200.

CMoney (43:02)
No, not even on red, just...


Colton (43:04)
It's 246 on my phone.

CMoney (43:06)

Colton (43:08)
I don't check my email for a week and that's how long it takes. How many you get? Huh?

CMoney (43:10)
I don't want to play anymore.

I got 6249. I can't do it. Like, no, I've tried. I just can't do it.

Colton (43:17)
Okay, well at least I clear mine out every few months. I recommend.

It takes too long.

CMoney (43:26)
Cause I have a lot of important things on here that I just can't delete. Now when it's like my promotions, I delete those every single time, but it's like regular emails. have at least, it goes all the way back to 2018 when I was in college and everything.

Colton (43:31)

I get a lot of emails about like my schedule and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah.

CMoney (43:45)
You delete those.

You know, this is a doozy. You know that? This podcast, it's a doozy. But it is fun because you know why? It is a new year, a new vibe.

Colton (43:55)
What is?

It shouldn't be the 19th. I'm just saying.

CMoney (44:06)
Hold on, hold

on. I gotta get this one out. Mom, I'm sorry. Longer is better.

And we're here for a good time.

I'm sorry, I had to get that one out, I'm mad.

Colton (44:21)

CMoney (44:21)
Wow, this is... It was great! Thanks for asking. That is pretty good. Do I remember it? Yeah! Happy birthday to my cousin. Happy birthday to him. Do I remember anything else? Hmm... Nope.

Colton (44:22)
New Year, how's your new year?

CMoney (44:34)
But 2025 is already, we've already had heartbreak and happiness all in one.

Colton (44:40)
started this year with no hot water.

CMoney (44:43)
That sounds like a personal-

Colton (44:45)
You're right, it is. I'll shut up.

CMoney (44:47)

world problems is okay, it's fine.

You will thrive one day. When you can produce your own hot water by throwing it on the soap for a little bit.

Colton (44:56)
We have it now. No chair.

CMoney (44:58)
Kobe, it

is the 19th. You should have it by now.

Colton (45:01)
That's why I said it shouldn't be the 19th, it should be the 5th. I'm still January 5th right now. I don't know where y'all are at. No, well, sure, somewhere around there. I'm still in the single digits of months or days. I don't... It shouldn't be the 19th. It's going by too fast.

CMoney (45:08)
You said January 6th. What?

Yeah, this is still fucking January.

Colton (45:24)
I've been on autopilot for too long.

CMoney (45:26)
We've been in January for a month already. When is it my time to shine?

Colton (45:31)
You don't get a time to shine.

CMoney (45:33)
February, yes I do.

Colton (45:36)

CMoney (45:37)
You know...

Colton (45:43)
Love it

CMoney (45:43)
Like they say,

stars are born.

Anywho, it has been a doozy. It has been a long one. I hope you guys have enjoyed this one. This is our first one of the year. So, maybe we can give you a little bit more extra time on this one.

I'm grateful that TikTok is still here. Because I don't know if I can read. I can't read a book, but it is okay.

Colton (46:07)
How do you think Book Talk felt?

CMoney (46:10)
They were fine, they still weren't the fucking Barnes and Noble. They were okay.

Colton (46:14)
Speaking of that, the one near me closed.

CMoney (46:17)
You know, on that note, if you enjoyed this podcast, make sure to let us know. All right, P. Barnes and Noble

Colton (46:24)
May you come another time.

CMoney (46:25)
May you

rise again like brother TikTok

And on that note, hope you guys enjoyed the podcast and we'll see you guys next time.

Colton (46:34)
Bye bye!

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